Commercial Energy Solutions

As a business owner or property manager, you know that the demand to improve your facility’s efficiency and effectiveness is never-ending. That’s why IMS will partner with your business to analyze the way your facility consumes energy and develop a proactive, sustainable plan that will save your business money, protect the environment and reduce your company’s carbon footprint. HVAC and lighting systems are the largest energy consumers in most commercial facilities. Even the tiniest adjustments in these systems can result in significant operational cost savings for your business. Our three-tiered, client-centered approach consists of Targeted Modernization & Optimization, Energy Conservation Measure Implementation, and Customized Maintenance Programs to generate and maintain operational savings. The more ways we can identify cost savings in your facility, the more money you will retain for what matters most — running your business.

We keep your facility running at its best so you can get
back to what you do best — running your business.

OUR Energy Savings Solutions:

Targeted Modernization & Optimization is where we assess and identify inefficient systems within your existing equipment and discover operational issues that drive energy consumption and take a toll on your maintenance and operational budgets. This system evaluation and thorough energy data and utility analysis is what we use to develop appropriate energy conservation measures (ECMs) to reduce the waste.  Our team of energy specialists will create a customized project scope, determine the budgetary cost and calculate the return on investment (ROI) for each ECM generated.

Note: We are able to assist with the financing of your building’s energy upgrades.

  • Energy Auditing
  • Mechanical Equipment Analyses
  • Energy Management Programs
  • Building Automation Systems
  • Lighting Control
  • Motor Control
  • Modernize & Optimize Existing Systems
  • Energy Upgrades of Building Systems
  • Project Management and Implementation of Sustainability Programs
  • Provide Ongoing Efficiency Reporting to Track Progress
  • Customized Maintenance Programs to Protect Your Investment
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Transform your facility into your most high-performing asset

Did you know that HVACR is responsible for 64% of a commercial building’s electric energy use? Additionally, the EPA states, “Energy represents 30% of the typical building’s costs and is a property’s single largest operating expense. Thirty percent of the energy consumed in buildings is used inefficiently or unnecessarily.”  When we are able to increase the efficiency of these systems, you will reduce your utility expenses, extend your equipment life, and improve your bottom line. Through our detailed evaluation of your facility’s systems, equipment, operations, and energy use data, IMS will partner with you to find optimal operations savings. With our Energy Solutions team, you’ll have a partner that cares about your business and delivers results.

READY TO GET STARTED? Let’s connect!
